Thursday, Jan. 19: Pig in Day Care

In Which Violet Returns to Her Roots

Violet got to visit her mom, aunt and 15 siblings and cousins today. I felt she needed some food, and also I had to go to a four-hour seminar on how to impress potential employers and save the state the cost of my joblessness, a class to which pigs were not invited.

So home she went, and I'm sure she is mightily p.o.'d that I came back and took her away again. I KNOW her mother and aunt are p.o.'d, because they tried to assault me as I stalked Violet around the pen.

So Violet is back, and I keep having brainstorms about raising a pig. For example,
I put a cat harness on her. She squealed and didn't want to bend her legs to get into it, but I insisted. I took her outside on a leash, and she started sucking up snow right and left.

Second brainstorm: Provide snow for her to drink in the house. This is going to be a great weaning tool!

Tonight she slept next to me as I sat in an easy chair and watched an NCIS marathon. What an excellent excuse to sit and do nothing. I am bonding with my piglet.

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