Tuesday, Feb. 14: Reclaiming My House

In Which Violet Is Gradually Weaned to the Outdoors

Look at this pig.  She's got it all over a dog. Our dogs jump on us, bark loudly and annoyingly, howl at strangers, trip us, get in our faces. The pig is just cute and funny. Sure, she's going to weigh about 300 pounds someday. And when that time comes, we can kiss our pretty wood floor goodbye. It will be naught but ruts made by trotters. But we're in denial about that for the moment.

Some of us are in denial, anyway. Namely, Rex and Kayti. Are they making an effort to transition pig to the great outdoors? Not in any way, shape or form. So it falls to me.
 To be fair, Rex has been out of state for the past week. If he hadn't been, I probably wouldn't have gotten away with trying to transition his Australian shepherd, Chrissie, to the great outdoors, too. My diabolical plan is to turn both Chrissie and Violet into animals that not only are not allowed in, but do not even wish to enter, the house. I've seen dogs that stay outdoors all the time and by God, they seem happy and healthy.

My ultimate goal is to wean Chrissie so far away from the house that she is, for all intents and purposes, living at someone else's house.

Hee hee hee. Don't tell Rex.

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